The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 8 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 8 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

[Nzolo] means "most dearly beloved." [...] Or it is a type of tiny potato that turns up in the market. [...] I think it must be the god of small potatoes. (2.8.6 — 2.8.7)

Many Congolese words have multiple meanings, which makes you wonder how Anatole interprets Nathan Price's sermons. Which meaning does he use when talking to the villagers? And how might this relate to questions of Biblical translation? Food for thought.

Quote 5

So much depends on the tone of voice. (2.8.16)

Getting the right tone of voice requires careful attention to the way people speak. Nathan Price pays no attention to the way people speak, and so the varying cadences of his preacher-speak end up causing more harm than good.