The Poisonwood Bible Book 5, Chapter 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Rachel Price Axelroot. Johannesburg, South Africa, 1962.

  • Rachel may have taken Axelroot's last name, but they're not officially married. He received a reward for "rescuing" her, and doesn't think it would be right to collect money on saving his own wife.
  • Uh, that sounds like a logic fail to us, but okay.
  • In South Africa, Rachel's become kind of a socialite, hanging out with all her white friends.
  • She doesn't really like living with skeevy Axelroot, but she says, "at least I'm alive and not dead like Ruth May. […] Like that little book said: Stick out your elbows, pick up your feet, and float along with the crowd! The last thing you want to do is get trampled to death" (5.2.12).