The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Prologue Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Another prologue, another Book. This one is called… drumroll… "The Judges/The Things We Didn't Know."
  • In this one, Orleanna discusses a few things as she tries to stave off judgment from her daughters, and maybe from us:
    • She says she was young and foolish when she married Nathan Price and was swept up by his passion and intensity.
    • While she was "swallowed" by Nathan's missions, she was "occupied" (3.Prologue.29) by a foreign power—namely, three children born from two successive pregnancies.
    • She says she had lost her wings even before she entered the Congo.
    • However, she gained them back, although that story, she says, is too unbearable to retell. We have a feeling we're going to find it out anyway.