The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Chapter 12 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Ruth May

  • Um, yipes. Tata Ndu tells Father that Rachel needs to have a "circus mission" (3.12.4).
  • Little Ruth May has mixed up the words a bit. She's not talking about elephants under the big top; she's talking about this.
  • Ruth May believes she got sick because she saw Mr. Axelroot's diamonds, and him being around all the time makes her feel worse.
  • Finally, she's decided where she'll disappear too with her nkisi if she finds herself on the verge of death: up in a tree, "same color, same everything. [She] will look down on you. But you won't see [her]" (3.12.8).
  • Nope, not creepy at all.