The Poisonwood Bible Book 4, Chapter 6 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • There is supposed to be a celebration after the hunt, but it turns into a fiasco of greed.
  • Gbenye is arguing with Leah again over the animal she killed. When it comes time to divide the meat up among the tribe, Tata Ndu, Gbenye's father, cuts off a small part of the animal and throws it at Leah.
  • She gets angry, and throws it at Gbenye, hitting him square in the back as he's laughing with his friends.
  • Furious, Tata Ndu declares that this means "Tata Price" (4.6.6) (another insult calling Leah a man) has refused her family's share of meat.
  • Anatole ends up being guilty by association, and is told that the dirty hunk of meat now lying in the dirt is his share.
  • Not about to take any crap from Ndu, Anatole starts dragging away the two bushbucks he killed, but Tata Boanda fights him for it.
  • Chaos breaks out, and everyone has to fight for what they think is their fair share.
  • Capitalism comes to the Congo!