The Poisonwood Bible Book 5, Chapter 7 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Adah Price. Emory Hospital, Atlanta. Christmas 1968.

  • Adah no longer walks with a slant.
  • It turns out that she just needed to retrain her body to walk. She spent six months crawling around her apartment and going to work in a wheelchair, and now she can walk.
  • Leah's in Atlanta with Anatole and their young son Pascal, but America and all its excesses are mad confusing. (You should see it in the 21st century.)
  • Meanwhile, Mother has been marching for Civil Rights. And she's good at it.
  • Finally, Adah asks her mother why she left her behind that night in the jungle when the ants came. The answer: "A mother takes care of her children from the bottom up" (5.7.34).
  • Adah says that she's chosen to accept this answer.