The Poisonwood Bible Book 5, Chapter 6 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Leah Price Ngemba. Bikoki Station. January 17, 1965.

  • January 17 is a difficult day for Leah and Anatole. It marks the day Patrice Lumumba was killed, and the day Ruth May died from snakebite. Symbolism, yo.
  • Anatole was released from prison after three years, and married Leah in Bikoki. They live at the mission station, along with Anatole's newfound relative, Aunt Elisabet.
  • Leah volunteers at the medical clinic, and she's hearing bad news over the grapevine: her young friend Pascal was murdered by the army in the jungle, and her father is living like a crazy dude in the forest. She worries about losing her family piece by piece.