The Poisonwood Bible Book 6, Chapter 3 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 6, Chapter 3 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

In organic chemistry, invertebrate zoology, and the inspired symmetry of Mendelian genetics, I [Adah] have found a religion that serves. (6.3.12)

Adah falls out of Christianity—and stops believing in God—because her Sunday School teacher tells us that people born in the Congo do not go to heaven. Presto. As simple as that. Perhaps Adah considers science her religion because science is fair. It treats everyone and everything equally, from the smallest creature to the largest.

The loss of a life: unwelcome. Immoral? I don't know. (6.3.3)

Adah encounters quite a dilemma as a doctor in the United States. In the Congo, death is a sometimes necessary part of life. It prevents overpopulation, and the hunger and conflict that results from it. Plus, Adah doesn't separate human life from "life" in general. All living things matter to her.