The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Chapter 12 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 3, Chapter 12 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Rachel would have to have the circus mission where they cut her so she wouldn't want to run around with people's husbands. (3.12.4)

Kingsolver doesn't make a huge issue about female genital mutilation in the Congo, only mentioning it in this one chapter. But plenty of people do make a huge issue of it, and you can learn more about it here.

Ruth May Price

Quote 2

If I die I will disappear and I know where I'll come back. I'll be right up there in the tree, same color, same everything. I will look down on you. But you won't see me. (3.12.8)

This Congolese "superstition" isn't much different than the idea of a Christian heaven. Ruth May believes she'll end up above (in a tree instead of the sky, but same diff), where she'll be able to watch everyone without being seen. Sounds almost the same to us.