The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 5 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

My father says a girl who fails to marry is veering from God's plan—that's what he's got against college. (2.5.20)

The only reason Father is remotely interested in marriage is because the Bible makes such a big deal of it. Nathan, as a person, isn't interested in sex or marriage at all. (Plus, isn't college where you go to get your MRS degree?)

Leah Price

Quote 2

The rusted embroidery hoops left an unsightly orange ring on the linen that may have damaged my prospects for good. (2.5.28)

As a young teenager, Leah totally buys into her father's idea that women are pretty much worthless if they're not married. With that in mind, her "skills" don't include anything useful like hunting or intelligence. Instead, they include embroidery, which she isn't even very good at.