The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 3 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 3 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"Tata Ndu feels that bringing the Christian word to these people is leading them to corrupt ways." (2.3.21)

News flash: Not everyone thinks that Christianity is a shining beacon to a glorious new way of life. Especially when Nathan Price takes the "convert first, ask questions never" method.

Quote 2

[Nathan] raised [the plate] over her head and slammed it down hard on the table, cracking it right in two. (2.3.52)

Just like the dish in Ethan Frome, or the bowl in The Golden Bowl, this plate is a big fat symbol for the Prices' marriage, and this action represents the breaking point of Orleanna and Nathan's union. Unlike in Ethan Frome, the Conogolese food is actually better. At least the Congolese don't eat donuts and pickles.