The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 11 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 2, Chapter 11 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Leopoldville [has] nice paved streets for the whites, and surrounding it, for miles and miles, nothing but dusty run-down shacks for the Congolese. [...] Americans would never stand for this kind of unequal treatment. (2.11.13)

America being, at the time, the country of Jim Crow laws. And Rachel thinks they wouldn't stand for unequal treatment? LOL.

Leah Price

Quote 2

I have seen preachers at revival meetings speak [...] with voices rising in such a way that heaven and anger get mingled together. (2.11.8)

Leah observes something that politicians and preachers have in common: charisma. So, what's the difference between politics and religion? To the Kilanga, not much. They think they can vote for Jesus just like they vote for a political leader.