Help Using Shmoop


What are classrooms?

Shmoop classrooms are exactly what they sound like...except without the walls, desks, chairs, and occasional paper airplanes.

They're just like your real classroom: a place to access content, communicate with students, create assignments, record progress, and grade work. Except it's all virtual.

Here's a quick rundown of what you'll get in your classroom:

  • The ability to add up to four Shmoop products, including Test Prep and Online Courses. Whichever products you add can be accessed via the classroom, and you'll be able to track student progress for those products within the classroom.
  • A full-on gradebook, where you can view and grade assignments, track individual or class progress, and download grades.
  • For Test Prep, the ability to assign drills and exams: you tell your students exactly what to do...and they do it. (Hopefully.)
  • The ability to communicate with students via email, announcements, or discussion board.
  • All sorts of settings, including the power to adjust due dates, control which standards are viewable, and invite students to the classroom.

For a walkthrough of how to use classrooms, take a gander at this here video.

Still need more help? Feel free to email, and you'll hear from a real human with 24 hours.