Help Using Shmoop


How do I add students to my classroom?

You know how hard it is to get a group of students into single file to walk into a room in an orderly fashion? Well, that's not a thing with virtual classrooms—adding students is easy.

There are two ways to tackle it.

Way 1: You do the work.

1. Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile).


2. Choose "View Classrooms" on your Dashboard.


3. Choose the classroom you want to invite students to.


4. Go to the "Manage" tab of that classroom.


5. Scroll down to "Class Roster" and click + INVITE STUDENTS.


6. Type in the student's email address, and click add. If you want to add multiple students, separate each email address with a comma.


7. Click Invite!


And that's that. Your student will receive an email inviting them to join your classroom, and once they accept, you're good to go.

Way 2: They do the work.

1. Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile).


2. Choose "View Classrooms" on your Dashboard.


3. Choose the classroom you want to invite students to.


4. Go to the "Overview" tab of that classroom.


5. Scroll down to Class Info, where you'll find a Classroom code. Email that code to your students, and they can add themselves to a classroom on their own.


(P.S. Students can add themselves to your classroom by clicking on their username, clicking VIEW CLASSROOMS, clicking JOIN CLASSROOM, and then filling in the class code and your email address.)


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