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Classrooms and Gradebook

What are classrooms?

Shmoop classrooms are exactly what they sound like...except without the walls, desks, chairs, and occasional paper airplanes. They're just like your real classroom: a place to access content, commu...

What is a Magic Word and how do I find it?

When your school signed up for Shmoop, our elves sent over our Super Duper Shmooper eKit. In this top secret package were login instructions to set up both teacher and student Shmoop accounts. ...

How do I create a classroom?

Let's start at the very beginning. (We hear it's a very good place to start.)Step 1Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile). Step 2Choose "Cr...

How many products can I add to my classroom?

Short answer: four.Long answer: four, and here's how...When Creating a ClassroomHead on over to our article on how to create a classroom for instructions on adding products to a classroom as you're...

How do I find my classrooms?

We thought about buying them all leashes, but then we thought they might get tangled up. Here's how you can find your classrooms.Step 1Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the...

How do I access the material for the products included in my classroom?

So you're all set up with a classroom, but now you want to actually use the material, huh? Fancy that.Head on over to the Overview tab of your classroom and then scroll down to "Class Resources."&#...

How do I add students to my classroom?

You know how hard it is to get a group of students into single file to walk into a room in an orderly fashion? Well, that's not a thing with virtual classrooms—adding students is easy.There are t...

What is my classroom code?

Your classroom code is a string of 5 numbers or letters that uniquely identifies your classroom.You can find it under "Class Info" on the Overview tab of your classroom. If you give this code...

How do I delete a classroom?

First things first: BE CAREFUL.(Yes, we're shouting.)Deleting a classroom is irreversible. But...if you've made a mistake in creating your class and would rather start over, you can delete the whol...

How do I remove students from a classroom?

If a student forgets to bring you an apple one day, you can remove them from your classroom—virtually.Just go to the Manage tab of your classroom, and, under "Class Roster," there will be a scar...

How can I communicate with students in my classroom?

Communication is key. (We just made that up—catchy, right?)Within Shmoop classrooms, you have three different options for how to communicate with students. Option AFrom the Overview tab, you can...

How does Gradebook work?

Gradebook gives you loads of insider info on your students. It runs the gamut of features, but we'll just walk you through some of the most popular. Track Overall Student ProgressOn the Gradeb...

How do I sort and filter within Gradebook?

Sorting and filtering is so satisying.Uh, just us?Anyway, here's the rundown:You can sort any column in your gradebook that has an arrow.For columns that contain numbers, the sorting tool will sort...

Can I download gradebook tables?

You absolutely can. Just go to the Gradebook tab of your classroom, and under the horizontal toolbar, you'll see an orange “Download CSV” button. Clicking that button will automatically begin t...

How do I allow a student to retake an assignment?

First things first: the ability to retake an assignment only exists in Courses. If you've created an assignment within a Test Prep product, students can't retake it—so they best do it right the f...

Can I turn off the ability for students to retake an assignment?

Short answer: yes. Here's how.Step 1Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile). Step 2Choose "View Classrooms" on your Dashboard. Step 3Choos...

How do I see my students' completed diagnostics or practice exams?

Want to see exactly how your students did on a diagnostic or practice exam? We're not just talking "oh, they got 6 out of 10"—we're talking a view of the actual test. There's a Shmoop for that.St...

I'm on a license, but I'm getting asked to pay. How do I fix it?

Either your school admin hates you or your username isn't linked to your school/district license. If it's the former, we can't help you. If it's the latter, you'll need to contact your administrat...

How do I set test dates for my class?

When you enter your classroom, you will see a tab labeled "Class Overview". On this tab, you will see a section titled "Course Schedule". If the course material associated with this classroom inclu...

How do I access my students' assignments so I can grade them?

Your enthusiasm for grading is unprecedented. When you're on the Gradebook page of your Classroom, make sure that the toggle "View By" button is is set to "Individual Students" and the drop down "V...

What do all the colors mean in the Gradebook?

In a nutshell:Red corresponds to below 50%Yellow corresponds to 50-80%Green corresponds to above 80%This helps you see how your students are doing as a class.Wondering how to see these colors?Go to...

How do I view grades for students in my class?

Easy peasy.Go to your Dashboard page by clicking on the downward arrow next to your username in the the upper right hand corner (or top of the page on mobile) and choosing Classrooms.Click "View Cl...