Help Using Shmoop


How do I see my students' completed diagnostics or practice exams?

Want to see exactly how your students did on a diagnostic or practice exam? We're not just talking "oh, they got 6 out of 10"—we're talking a view of the actual test. There's a Shmoop for that.

Step 1

First, go to the Gradebook tab within your Classroom. Make sure you choose "Individual Scores - Diagnostics & Practice Exams" from the View dropdown menu.


Step 2

If a student has taken the exam, the name (e.g., "Diagnostic Exam: English Diagnostic") will be hyperlinked in orange. If you click on individual item name, you'll be able to see exactly which questions that answered correctly...and incorrectly, as the case may be.


Step 3

Scroll down to see the full exam. And if you want to switch between items or students, just use the handy dropdowns at the top of the page.

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