Help Using Shmoop


Can I turn off the ability for students to retake an assignment?

Short answer: yes. Here's how.

Step 1

Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile).


Step 2

Choose "View Classrooms" on your Dashboard.


Step 3

Choose the classroom you want to invite students to.


Step 4

Go to the "Manage" tab of that classroom.


Step 5

Scroll down to "Class Settings" and choose which types of activities you'd like students to be able to retake or resubmit.

If a box is checked, the student CAN retake/resubmit. If the box is not checked, the student CANNOT retake/resubmit. Please note that whatever you choose applies to all the content in that course.


Step 6

Click "Save Settings" and that's that.

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