The Color of Magic The Sending of Eight / Chapter 8 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Twoflower is totally lost as well.
  • The picture imp tells Twoflower he doesn't like this temple—it's too weird. Twoflower thinks it's weird that a demon finds something weird. Are demons even allowed to find things weird?
  • Twoflower wishes Rincewind was with them, but the imp informs the tourist that wizards won't having anything to do with the number eight—eight-sided temples built entirely of octagons would certainly fall under the "no eights" rule.
  • Speaking of Rincewind, he magically pops in on Twoflower and immediately tells the tourist not to say that number, and they might just make it out alive. Twoflower's still confused as to how the wizard got in.
  • The two try to find the exit.