The Color of Magic The Lure of the Wyrm / Chapter 9 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Rincewind wakes to the sight of a dragon. It's semitransparent and currently stuck in the tree branches above.
  • The dragonrider is trying to hack the beast free, so Rincewind takes the opportunity to quickly, and un-heroically, slip away.
  • He bumps into Kring, whom Hrun had dropped during his unscheduled flight.
  • Rincewind pulls the magic blade from the tree.
  • They talk. Unlike the sword, Rincewind isn't so sure a rescue is the best idea.
  • Kring forces Rincewind by holding himself against the wizard's throat.
  • Though he's worked with better material in the past, he'll make a hero out of Rincewind yet.