The Color of Magic The Sending of Eight / Chapter 1 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Twoflower continues his tour of the Discworld with Rincewind in tow.
  • The two are discussing how impractical the whole magic system really is; this depresses Twoflower as he had hoped magic to be as fantastic as he'd imagined it.
  • A slight breeze picks up that "[leaves] the world unchanged save in a few interesting particulars" (2.1.18). One of those particulars is the troll now standing in the road.
  • Rincewind draws his sword, throws it at the monster, and completely misses. The sword then bounces off a rock and ricochets into the troll's neck.
  • Moments before the troll realizes it's dead, it swipes and injures Twoflower's horse, sending the beast into a wild panic. Upon its death, it turns to stone, which in turn sends Rincewind's horse galloping into the woods.