The Color of Magic The Color of Magic / Chapter 6 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • At another elsewhere, but still the same moment, the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork receives a letter by albatross.
  • We return to Rincewind and Twoflower in the middle of Twoflower's story.
  • One day, Twoflower decided to add some romance to his dull life of adding figures at a desk.
  • He saved for eight years, hopped on a ship and, voila, now he's in Ankh-Morpork, city famed in songs and stories featuring the likes of "Heric Whiteblade, Hrun the Barbarian, and Bravd the Hublander and the Weasel" (1.6.3).
  • Rincewind questions his lack of guards, but Twoflower laughs—he only has two thousand rhinu. What's there to steal?
  • Twoflower makes Rincewind an offer: If the wizard will be his guide, he'll pay him a rhinu and a half for each day, plus expenses.
  • Rincewind fumbles his response but manages to recover long enough to accept; he gets four days' payment upfront.
  • Twoflower goes to take a nap, leaving Rincewind with a dilemma. The sensible thing to do would be to buy a horse and use the other five rhinu to set up shop somewhere far away. But what would happen to Twoflower then? Rincewind "would have to be a real heel to leave him" (1.6.32).