The Color of Magic The Sending of Eight / Chapter 3 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Three miles away, Rincewind is hanging from a tree, having recently run into Twoflower's she bear, which killed his horse.
  • In the confusion, Rincewind ran and stumbled upon the pack of wolves, which in turn chased him up the tree.
  • Now all he has to do is think of a way to deal with the snake hanging out on the branch next to him.
  • Death appears and kindly asks Rincewind to let go as he has other work to do, but Rincewind flatly refuses.
  • He tries to swing to another branch. It doesn't break, but bark does begin to peel slowly from the tree.
  • Before Rincewind can fall, the arms of a dryad reach out from within the trunk and pull him in.
  • At the god's dice game, Blind Io loses the last of his chips, leaving only Fate and the Lady.
  • Fate removes a small figure that "seemed to be all suckers and tentacles" (2.3.43); he asks if she wishes to resign, but the Lady beckons him to play on.