The Color of Magic The Color of Magic / Chapter 15 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The Patrician calls Gorphal, his expert on all things Agatean Empire, to explain the second letter received that day. Why did one letter say to protect this Twoflower while the other says to have him killed?
  • Gorphal explains it's likely that the Emperor, who is but an idealistic child, sent the first letter while Nine Turning Mirrors, the Emperor's not-so-idealistic Grand Vizier, sent the second. Nine Turning Mirrors does so hate to have things and people out of place.
  • Gorphal's advice: Do nothing and the matter will resolve itself. That, or have a word with Zlorf Flannelfoot, master of the Assassin's Guild.
  • Elsewhere, Rincewind hasn't gotten too far with Luggage, arguing with the chest that it has the wrong man.
  • The imp informs Rincewind that it won't let go until he gives in. He suggests Rincewind think of something; he's a wizard after all, and thinking is what wizards do.
  • But Rincewind confesses he's not much of a wizard—in fact, he only knows the one spell, and he was hoping to learn from Twoflower something better than magic.
  • He wonders how he's supposed to think of anything anyway on an empty stomach. Luggage opens its lid and lets the wizard sample the hard sea biscuits and water inside.
  • Rincewind sets himself down to eat and think.