How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I'm going to examine the rest of your belongings," said Lyle. "You'll find the legal authority for this on page six, article three: Arrival Inspection." (13.35)
Will believes he is allowed to use his powers for whatever purpose he chooses. However, if anyone uses his or her power against him, then that person is corrupt, and his or her power must be eliminated. That's just how it works in these parts.
Quote #5
Lyle Ogilvy played some kind of mind music, the way Will knew how to do, but unlike Will, he apparently felt no qualms about using his power on other people. (13.65)
This line is hypocritical. Just chapters before, Will used his mind power to get an innocent man accused of domestic terrorism, and he didn't feel a single pang of guilt about it. Perhaps Lyle angers Will so much not because they are so different, but because they are so similar.
Quote #6
Before he could say anything, a weird look crossed Ajay's face. Like he'd just been ordered to do something. (18.73)
To be fair to Will, Lyle uses his powers explicitly for bullying purposes, something Will never does. Will has no issue using his powers on others to save himself, but he doesn't use them to be mean to people.