How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
His best times shattered, twice, in less than an hour, and he'd hardly broken a sweat. (2.1)
Will runs so quickly that his energy should be measured in horsepower. Even though we're not sure exactly what's going on this early in the book, we know this kid possesses some superhuman strength.
Quote #2
Will concentrated, silent and trembling, and pushed those pictures at her. He felt them land. (8.16)
Use the Force, Will. With this new power, our hero's basically like, "This is not the runaway you're looking for." We wouldn't be surprised if Will turned out to be a Jedi.
Quote #3
"Pushing pictures" was getting easier; this time he felt tired, but not drained. (10.3)
Will gets stronger and more adept with his powers at lighting speed. Imagine if lifting weights were like this. You could do five reps in one day and be buff. Yeah, sorry—looks like you have to be superkid for this to actually work. Why can't we all be superkid?