Good vs. Evil Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A black sedan glided across the intersection a block ahead. (1.35)

The bad guys in this book subscribe to the old "black = evil" color-coding system used since the Western days, when the bad guys wore black hats.

Quote #2

She's talking to them. (4.19)

If you know anything about the bad guys in this book, know this: they're not bright. For example, they possess Will's mother but then make her talk to the bad guys in plain sight, which totally blows their cover. It's like they're not even trying to be sneaky.

Quote #3

"Believe me, these people will stop at nothing." (6.62)

We hear similar lines a lot about bad guys, but isn't determination a good thing? No one likes a quitter. Looks like the good guys are just going to have to be as determined as the bad guys if they want to win.