Dave Gunner

Character Analysis

On the Prowl

Dave Gunner is a big burly man who shows up to carry an orphan to a secret school where that orphan can realize his fullest potential. Is his middle name Hagrid?

We can't not compare Dave to the cuddly groundskeeper of Hogwarts. Dave is a much more stereotypically burly man, though. If he has a soft spot for animals, he doesn't show it. Instead, Dave shoots first and asks questions later. He's a member of ANZAC, the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. He has an Australian accent and uses slang we've never heard of. "You may think you're a dux, mate, but unless you want to kark it early days, next time don't be such a nong" (5.33). Google Translate, anyone?

Dave's primary role is to save Will's butt. This is literally his job. He tells Will that he is his "guardian angel" (24.141), and he means it. Dave is allowed by the powers that be, whoever they are, to save Will nine times. He does it five during this book.

For some weird reason, Will decides halfway through the book that Dave is imaginary. This is after Dave has given Will physical objects, like glasses that let him see invisible monsters; pushed people; and fought demons. It's a strange lapse in judgment on Will's part that only serves to bring us to Dave's second role.

To convince Will that he is real, Dave gives Will exposition about the bad guys behind the scenes. He says Will is an Initiate of the Hierarchy, whatever that is. He's clearly laying the framework for future books, because none of this drama comes into play in this installment.

Literally everyone in this book is willing to die for Will West, and Dave is no different. Dave is absorbed by a Wendigo at the end, but because it's only his fifth life, Will believes that Dave is still out there somewhere, ready to die for him another day.

When it's Dave's last life, will he lay it down for Will? We'll have to wait and see.