Friendship Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Which made it impossible for him to make friends or feel connected to any place they ever lived. (1.29)

Will has led an isolated life for fifteen years because his parents move around so much. He hasn't connected to anyone his age at school. Is that all there is to it, though? Does Will somehow feel he is too different from the other kids to connect with them? He certainly doesn't have a hard time when he finally goes to the Center. Is it his attitude? Or something else?

Quote #2

"In the meantime, make new friends. Connect. Learn from each other, and for each other." (11.163)

One of the biggest benefits to being at the Center is that Will has the opportunity to make friends. The Center encourages it, because it knows its students will be weaker if they are alone.

Quote #3

If he was going to make it, he needed all his roommates' help. (22.80)

Will decides to make friendships not for the sake of the other person, but because it benefits him. These are more like networking opportunities than actual friends.