How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"They say he inherited some whacked-out warrior-shaman skills from his bloodline…like he gets visions, talks to the Great Spirit." (22.71)
Although we've been primarily focused on Will for half the book, we get clues here that Coach Jericho has special powers, too. But for now, it's just a rumor. We'll have to wait until later to see if they manifest.
Quote #8
Lyle held a copy of the Code of Conduct in front of Will's face and thumped it for emphasis. (23.135)
Not all the power wielded in this book is magic in nature. Lyle abuses the rules of the school to put himself in a position of power, no psychic mumbo-jumbo needed.
Quote #9
Will felt his senses tune up to a higher level of awareness. A sudden, specific sense of distance and vector of the sounds all around him, a 360-degree scan. (26.105)
Will tends to develop powers just in the nick of time. Here, it's mighty convenient that all of a sudden he realizes that he can conjure up a radar of the area, as if he were in a video game. Just like magic.