Competition Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You could run from here to the border of Canada without even breathing hard." (19.54)

Once again, we see how Will is physically almost superhuman. It's something he's never quite processed before; it doesn't seem like he's every really compared himself to others in these terms before. But make no mistake: Will is essentially an unbreakable superhero.

Quote #8

"The Center is a meritocracy; not a charity day-care facility." (20.65)

Meritocracies force students to compete against one another in a scramble to the top. They also don't really work, for a variety of reasons. The Center sends mixed messages, wanting students to compete with one another but also wanting them to ally with one another. They can't have it both ways, right?

Quote #9

For the first time in a real race, he could bust out the full RPMs of his turbo-charged system. (22.79)

This is a big moment for Will: he's finally able to show off his super speed and use it to win a race. We bet the Center is watching very closely as he does this—just by the way.