Competition Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Who's this noob?" he asked Brooke. (13.46)

The boys all puff up their chests around Brooke as if they're a bunch of monkeys fighting for territory. Well, which is kinda sorta what's actually going on, so you've got to laugh a bit at it.

Quote #5

"As far as sports are concerned," said Rourke, "it's also too late for you to officially join teams, but no one objects to your training with them." (18.146)

Okay, we've finally moved on to to a different sort of competition: sports. Rourke knows that the training will pay off for Will, making him a valuable asset to the track team. But where does the track team of a super-secret academy actually compete?

Quote #6

"The oxygen-binding capacity of your blood is off the charts, over three times the high end of normal. You'd make Lance Armstrong in his prime look like an invalid." (19.39)

Considering the fact that Will has been accused of taking steroids right before this line is spoken by the doctor, the Lance Armstrong comparison is an appropriate one. But the more important thing to pick up on here is that Will has superhuman strength, endurance, and health. It's not steroids; Will is just that amazing.