Pure Chapter 49 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Pulses)

  • Partridge thinks about how he's now part of a herd. That is: Partridge, Pressia, Bradwell, and El Capitan.
  • Off in the distance they can hear Special Forces. How did they get here, you might ask? Pressia's bug, of course.
  • Don't worry though, everyone knows that she's bugged.
  • … and that her head might explode at any moment because she was given a ticker. Yeah, that's what the headache is.
  • They finally find the underground burrow they've been looking for, but just as they're about to dig into it, a Special Forces member appears and knocks down El Capitan.
  • Lyda then appears with another member, and gives Pressia the pale blue box.
  • Lyda says that they're waiting for the swan, and that's all she knows.
  • Pressia reluctantly opens the box and falls to her knees, realizing that it's the fan that kept her grandfather alive.
  • A soldier tells her to get up, reminding Partridge of when Sedge would tell him to wake up.
  • Wait. Hold on. That soldier might be Sedge.
  • Yeah, it is Sedge.
  • Come on, you didn't think he was actually dead did you?
  • Don't worry, we were just as surprised as you are.