Pure Chapter 17 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Wind)

  • Pressia and Partridge make their way to Bradwell's house in silence.
  • Along the way, Partridge asks about the ash falling from the sky. After talking about the ash and the wind, Pressia asks him to play "I Remember," which he's never heard of before.
  • While Pressia makes up a memory, Partridge reveals the truth to her about his mother and tells Pressia about the swan wife story.
  • Feel bad about lying now, Pressia?
  • Since the awkwardness has subsided a bit, Pressia asks him about his unnatural strength and speed; he tells her about his special coding.
  • They reach Bradwell's home sweet home — a collapsed butcher shop.
  • Bradwell lets them both in, though he doesn't know Partridge is a Pure yet.
  • Bradwell gives them a lovely tour of the house, except it's not so lovely seeing that the basement is filled with sharp hooks and strange hybrid creatures that are skinned.
  • Memory time: Pressia thinks about how she tried to cut off her doll hand once. It didn't go so well.
  • She then spills the beans and reveals Partridge's identity. Bradwell is not a happy camper.
  • After being interrogated for a bit, Partridge reveals how he is looking for Lombard Street (where he used to live) in hopes of finding his mother.
  • Bradwell gets worked up again about the whole Pures are our enemies thing, and Pressia is able to "unglue" him a little, giving her more leverage.
  • Partridge tells Bradwell he is a Willux; apparently Bradwell knows about his family.
  • After more arguing, Pressia is able to convince Bradwell to find an old map. Partridge must be lucky because Bradwell knows exactly where Lombard Street is.
  • The three load up on some weapons — mostly knives and a stun gun — and plan to move out to the church on Lombard Street.