Pure Chapter 24 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Shadow History)

  • Back in Bradwell's Meat Locker, Partridge and Bradwell are searching for clues in Partridge's mother's things.
  • Bradwell tells Partridge about the Before and how his parents were tagged at a young age to be recruits for the Best and the Brightest, just like Partridge's father.
  • Bradwell has a sudden burst of anger and yells at Partridge for being a Pure. Real mature.
  • After they settle down, Bradwell asks Partridge about his personal life and his mother.
  • Partridge talks about how he was allowed a few personal items to bring to the Dome during the Before, and the Detonations hit when he was taking a tour in the Dome.
  • He talks about how his mother hated his father, and about Sedge's suicide. Bradwell is incredulous that a Pure would commit suicide.
  • Bradwell cracks the swan pendant in half, and Partridge attacks him.
  • After another squabble, they look inside the pendant and see Japanese inscriptions.
  • Bradwell translates it to "My Phoenix," which connects to Operation Phoenix, the whole mission of the people inside the dome.
  • The mission: a new civilization would rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
  • After finding a tracking chip in the birthday card, Partridge is forced to burn everything he has, even the photograph.
  • He takes one half of the pendant and leaves the other half, however, to hopefully signal to Pressia (if she escapes) that they are still looking for her.
  • Their next step is to go to the Meltlands to find a certain powerful woman.