Pure Chapter 12 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Hoof)

  • Outside of the Dome, Partridge finds himself looking for water because he drank all of his in the sandy dust fields. He thinks he sees an eye in the earth twice (probably because there was an eye in the earth).
  • He thinks about Lyda; poor Lyda, she's probably being interrogated right now.
  • A bunch of sheep (not your average sheep—these things have horns and spikes) drink water from a puddle. A shepherd sees Partridge, and when Partridge motions towards the puddle for water, the shepherd tells him the water would rot Partridge's stomach.
  • Partridge follows the shepherd, who gives him water. The shepherd then asks if Partridge can stick around and work since the shepherd's wife is "fresh dead."
  • The shepherd then notices that Partridge has no scars or blemishes, and Partridges runs like the wind.
  • After getting away, he sees reeds on the ground. He parts them, only to see a human face. Ummm, what?
  • And it's not just any human face; it's the shepherd's wife's face. Fresh dead.