Pure Chapter 36 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Earth)

  • Of course we hope nothing happens to Pressia while she's in the car, but come on.
  • You know something is going to happen at this point.
  • A Dust pops out of the ground and tries to rip her out.
  • It's able throw her out of the window, but she gains enough strength to shoot it with her rifle.
  • All safe, right? Well, not exactly. There are always more Dusts.
  • Pressia gets thrown to the ground by another Dust, and just as it's about to strike her, a meat cleaver slices through it. Thanks El Capitan.
  • A battle between Pressia and El Capitan versus the Dusts ensues, and it seems like they are done for.
  • A noise drums in the distance—pounding footsteps.
  • One of the mothers with her child appears and grabs hold of Pressia.
  • It looks like her own mother, and Pressia herself as the child.