Pure Chapter 31 Summary

How It All Goes Down

El Capitan (Cap)

  • Meanwhile, El Capitan is waiting for Pressia in the Deadlands, keeping an eye out for Dusts.
  • He jerks his head around and Helmud's neck makes a popping noise. But don't worry, apparently his neck does that sometimes. He's a-okay.
  • El Capitan and Helmud's relationship is pretty funny, even if it's a little dark.
  • Finally the car drives up and El Capitan finds Pressia huddled in the corner of the back seat. She looks bruised and her eyes are red-rimmed.
  • El Capitan picks up her manila envelope and finds a small device that tracks a blip (like that small dot you'd see on your iPhone's GPS app). The blip is Partridge.
  • When Pressia talks, she nods the head of her doll hand — El Capitan recognizes this as a signal. When he asks her if she's okay, she says "yes" but shakes her doll's head "no."
  • El Capitan then reads the mission in the envelope: he is to assist Pressia in finding Partridge and bringing him back to the Dome with his mother.
  • They then converse about how the Dome isn't evil and that they won't have to fight them after all; but Pressia nods her doll head, signaling that they will fight.
  • After Pressia exits the car to walk around a bit, El Capitan punches the driver, pulls him out of the car, head-butts him to the ground, and kicks him.
  • El Capitan takes the wheels and starts to drive away, only to see the driver about to get killed by a Dust.