Pure Chapter 43 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Strings)

  • Pressia, Partridge, Bradwell, and the mothers head out before dawn.
  • Partridge wonders if his father sent him to find Pressia because his father still loves his mother. But he knows this is just childish desire.
  • The mothers all have scarves to cover their faces and their children's faces.
  • They reach as far as the mothers will go, but one of them grabs Partridge and wishes him luck. She also tells him to say thank you to his mother if he finds her.
  • Partridge doesn't understand at first, but then sees the boy fused with her; it's a boy he used to be friends with.
  • She is Mrs. Fareling, a woman who Partridge's mother helped out of the rehab center.
  • Her and her fused son wish Partridge good luck again, and the mothers are gone.