Pure Chapter 39 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Chip)

  • While you're trying to process all of this information, so is Pressia. Is her grandfather really her grandfather? Is her name Pressia? Who knows?
  • One of the mothers walks into the room with the materials to dig the chip out.
  • Bradwell apologizes for saying he only looked for her because of her grandfather. It's a fitting time to apologize, seeing that he's about to dig a scalpel through her neck.
  • Partridge looks away and keeps asking Bradwell to be careful. Typical over-protective brother.
  • But Pressia sits up before Bradwell can dig into her skin, and she asks Partridge if he remembers her from their youth. He doesn't.
  • He wishes she knew Sedge, which bothers both of them. Now Pressia knows Sedge used to be her brother as well.
  • Finally she readies herself for the chip removal. Partridge holds her head and Bradwell digs in.
  • She screams and blood streams down her neck. Ick.
  • She starts to drift in and out of consciousness, and asks Partridge if their mother sang lullabies. She did.