Help Using Shmoop


How do I grade an activity?

Did you just get one of our fancy emails telling you that you have an activity ready for grading? That have an activity ready for grading. Here's how to do it.

Step 1

First, go to your classroom Gradebook and filter so your "View" drop down menu reads "Individual Scores."


All those columns at the top let you filter even more: you can type in a student name or activity name or sort by status.

Step 2

Once you've located the activity that needs grading, just click on the orange hyperlinked name of the activity. This will open up a new tab where you will see the following:

  • The work submitted by the student (in the blue box below the activity description)
  • A rubric for you to use as a guideline for grading
  • An answer key that'll include answer keys where relevant and other tips for grading


Step 3

Enter a grade into the grading box and click "Submit Grade." Once you do, you'll see a little green checkmark so you know you did it right. Don't worry if it still says "Needs Grading"—that'll update when you reload the page.


Step 4

Once you enter a grade, click "Submit Grade," and if you enter a comment, click "Update Comment," which will add the comment to Gradebook for everyone's perusal.


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