Technology Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Bear in mind, magic is the name we've always applied to tomorrow's technology," said Robbins, "when we see it today." (3.89)

Oops. Sorry. We said "magic" previously. But, hey, Will did, too. Anyway, Dr. Robbins has a point. New technology always seems unbelievable at first; when it finally does appear, it must interacted with in order to be believed. It's like most new things, really.

Quote #5

Inside he found no flesh or blood, sinew or bone. Only wires and circuits. (6.75)

Once again, we have something that we thought was a living creature but is actually a robot. The bad guys have pretty impressive technology if they're able to make a camera that looks like an actual bird. That bird also reminds us of the Twin Peaks bird, which has its own Facebook page.

Quote #6

"Students at the Center are encouraged to communicate through more traditional methods." (13.13)

It's unusual that despite all the technology they have, these people don't want the students to actually use it for social purposes. Perhaps the people at the Center would like to keep communication as controlled as possible.