The Supernatural Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"A species of three-legged lasher. I'd say either gulvorgs or burbelangs." (8.70)

We're unsure if these are official names or just what Dave calls them as a joke, because these terms for monsters are never used in the book ever again.

Quote #8

The outline of her body wiggled and squirmed like a bagful of angry cats, bulging out at nauseating angles. (9.5)

The monsters in this book disguise themselves as a woman in a too-small sweat suit, giving us an unpalatable mess of gross-out descriptions mixed with fat shaming. Actually, it's Will who does the fat shaming, which makes him a difficult protagonist to relate to at times.

Quote #9

The truth was a lot more awkward: He couldn't remember ever visiting a doctor. […] Will had never needed a doctor. Because as far back as he could remember—his entire life—he'd never been sick. Not once. (19.48)

We're not sure what's more impressive here, the fact that Will has never been sick or that he can remember his entire life. Looks like our hero is unbreakable, right?