Family Quotes in Stardust

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He summoned his children to his bedside and they came, the living and the dead of them, and they shivered in the cold granite halls. (3.3)

The dying Lord of Stormhold wants his kids there during his last minutes of life, which is kind of nice, though it's odd how both the living and the dead show up for the occasion. And once we realize that the dead sons are dead because the living ones have killed them off in a bid for the throne, well, we're starting to think that this is a pretty dysfunctional family. Maybe Lady Una was better off with Madame Semele after all.

Quote #5

"Still doesn't explain […] there isn't anythin' unusual in your family, is there? […] I was thinkin' more of a grandmother who was a famous enchantress, or an uncle who was a prominent warlock, or a brace of fairies somewhere in the family tree." (4.119-121)

The hairy little man is trying to figure out why Tristran somehow knows the location of everything in Faerie. Tristran can even find stuff that he's never heard of before, provided that someone asks him where it is. As far as Tristran knows, though, his family is as ordinary as can be.

Quote #6

And the moon was talking to him. Please, whispered the moon, in a voice that reminded him a little of his mother's, protect her. Protect my child. They mean her harm. (6.4)

So much family stuff going on here. First, the moon is talking to Tristran, in a voice that reminds him of his mother's voice. Second, the moon is talking about her child, meaning the fallen star. And third, well, not to get ahead of ourselves, but Tristran and the star are totally going to meet up with Tristran's biological mother, and their falling in love will help free her. Yeah—lots of family stuff.