Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Freedom and Confinement Quotes
"The chain? It binds me to the stall. I am the personal
slave of the witch-woman who owns the stall. She caught me many years ago […] luring
me on and on in the form of a pretty frog always but a...
Transformation Quotes
The old man pulled free of his sons, and stood straight and
tall, then. He was, for a heartbeat, the lord of Stormhold who had defeated the
Northern Goblins at the battle of Cragland's Head; who ha...
Courage Quotes
The wind blew from Faerie and the East, and Tristran Thorn
suddenly found inside himself a certain amount of courage he had not suspected
that he had possessed. (2.44)
Rules and Order Quotes
The guard is relaxed once every nine years, on May Day, when
a fair comes to the meadow. (1.17)
Youth Quotes
Tristran Thorn, at the age of seventeen, and only six months
older than Victoria, was halfway between a boy and a man, and was equally
uncomfortable in either role; he seemed to be composed chiefly...
Family Quotes
"I should not mind it, for it a long, long chain; but
the knowledge of it irks me, and I miss my father's land." (1.187)
The Supernatural Quotes
"So, it would be miracles and wonders that you would be
after, is it?" (1.69)
Love Quotes
There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart's
Desire. (1.1)