Stardust Allusions and Cultural References

When authors give shout outs to other great works, people, and events, it's usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.

Real-World Literary and Historical References

Faerie-World/Folklore References

  • Witches (1.137; 3.95, and many more)
  • Dragons (3.49)
  • Gryphons (3.49)
  • Basilisks (3.49)
  • Hippogriffs (3.49)
  • Hydras (3.49)
  • Fairies (4.121, 4.199)
  • Unicorns (5.39; 6.79; 7.9, 7.42)
  • Pan (6.14)
  • Nymphs (6.23)