Stardust Themes

Stardust Themes

Freedom and Confinement

There are a lot of unbreakable magic silver chains to be seen in Stardust, so it makes sense that confinement—and it's close buddy, freedom—is a major theme. It seems like most characters want...


Few things are what they seem in Faerie, and this applies to people and animals, too. In fact, it seems like most of the characters in Stardust transform into something or someone else at some poin...


Bravery will get you pretty far in the world of Stardust. Knowing when to stand up and fight—and alternately, when to back down—is an important life skill. It's one that Tristran lacks at first...

Rules and Order

Does anyone else find it ironic that Faerie—which is all wild and crazy and full of magic—is governed by all kinds of rules? There are rules about how magic works, and rules of etiquette, and l...


A lot of the characters in Stardust are young, like teenagers or thereabouts. Others are older, but most of them want to be young again. So what's so great about youth? Well, to hear the Lilim and...


Want to keep someone busy for a few hours? Make them draw all the family trees for Stardust. It'll definitely do the trick, since family is one complicated topic in this book. We've got illegitimat...

The Supernatural

You don't have to get too far into Stardust in order to realize that it's chock-full of supernatural, magical, and otherwise odd occurrences. There's a lot going on in the magical transformation de...


When love is in the air, people tend to do all kinds of unreasonable stuff, like going on a quest for a fallen star in Faerie. Tristran spends most of Stardust lovesick over Victoria Forester, but...