Warfare Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] the smell of the blood driving them both into a great frenzy; purring, as the cool twilight came over her, bringing with it the moons, like the changing crescents of her eyes, golden and silver and dun. She sat upon the rock, licking her paws and wondering what it was she had hunted. (5.20)

Kali has become so obsessed with war that she hunts without even knowing what she hunts. She simply desires the kill.

Quote #8

"You are a fool to speak of last great battles, Sam, for the last great battle is always the next one." (5.121)

So sad, but so true at the same time. The last battle only remains so until the next one… and the one after that… and the one after that. Puts a damper on your spirit (well, unless you're Kali).

Quote #9

Brahma decided it was time to move against Accelerationism.

A war party was raised in Heaven, and the Temples of cities adjacent to Keenset sent out the call to the faithful to be ready for a holy war. (6.270-271)

For Kali, this war is a holy war, but for Sam, it's a social war. Can they both be right? If not, guess they could also duke it out to settle things, seeing as they're going to do that anyway.