Warfare Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Good luck. No gods be with you!" (2.364)

This is Sam's battle cry when going into war. It's effective at getting his point across, right?

Quote #5

"I realize that your doctrine is a thing which could have been remembered by any among the First. You chose to resurrect it, pretending to be its originator. You decided to spread it, in hopes of raising an opposition to the religion by which the true gods rule." (3.426)

Interesting how he says that any among the First could have done what Sam has and resurrected a religion to oppose Heaven. But then why are Sam and Nirriti the only ones to do so?

Quote #6

He thought of [the Celestial City's] splendor and its color, in contrast to that of the rest of the world, and he wept as he raged, for he knew that he could never feel either wholly right or wholly wrong in opposing it. (4.346)

Here, we see Sam's internal conflict over his external one. On the one hand, he can't defeat the gods without destroying the Celestial City, but on the other hand, to destroy a thing of beauty is still to destroy a thing of beauty. As is often the case of life, he can't have it both ways. Bummer.