Lord of Light Characters

Meet the Cast


One of the first humans on the planet, Sam originally styled himself a god just like the rest. He was Kalkin, based on the tenth incarnation of Vishnu. He helped the gods colonize the planet, but t...


Yama is the god of death and a technological whiz kid. He's a genius, although his genius is less the kind that makes for a debate team captain and more the kind that creates machines with some ser...

Kali a.k.a. Durga, Candi the Fierce

Kali is the goddess of destruction. She claims to love Yama, and she and Sam have a history together, but in reality, she really "cares only for those who bring her gifts of chaos" (3.474). Boy, Pa...

The Trimurti

The Trimurti is the title given to the rulers of heaven, namely Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, and Lord Vishnu. These guys are the supreme of the supreme, the baddest of the bad, the three gods you don't...

Lord Kubera and Ratri

Lord Kubera is a member of the Lokapalas, the fourth keeper of the world, and a fiercely intelligent god. Unfortunately for him, every new body he's given, no matter how well he cares for it, event...


Once the Archivist of the Celestial City, and now an ape, Tak's tale is quite the rollercoaster of ups and downs. Smarter than Your Average ApeAs a character, Tak is very practical, knowledgeable,...

Nirriti the Black a.k.a. Renfrew

Nirriti the Black was one of the Firsts and a Christian. He left the Celestial City because he believed their assumption of the personas of Hindu gods was blasphemy against the one, true Christian...


Say hello to the Lord of Hellwell and leader of the demon-like Rakasha. So, as you can imagine, he's one pleasant energy-based life form. Sam recruits Taraka and his Rakasha to help fight the gods,...


Demon Aliens from the Planet Not EarthPer the obvious, the Rakasha have their origin in Hindu mythology, though there they are called the Raksha and are wicked spirits that do battle with the gods...

Minor Characters

Rild a.k.a. SugataRild enters the story on his way to assassinate the Buddha, but takes ill on the road. Sam nurses the man to health despite knowing him to be one of Kali's warriors—and while Ri...