Suffering Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"It is written that to live is to suffer. This is so, say the sages, for man must work off his burden of Karma if he is to achieve enlightenment. For this reason, say the sages, what does it profit a man to struggle within a dream against that which is his lot, which is the path he must follow to attain liberation? In the light of eternal values, say the sages, the suffering is as nothing; in terms of Samsara, say the sages, it leads to that which is good. What justification, then, has a man to struggle against those who be mighty for ill?" (1.415)

By making suffering a positive in their religion, the gods have basically made it so that no one will question why they suffer. And if they don't question why they suffer, they won't question the gods. Stamp that power and label it absolute.

Quote #2

Few are the beings born again among men; more numerous are those born again elsewhere. Anguttara-nikaya (2.Intro)

In Hinduism and Buddhism, to live is to suffer. A higher birth may lessen the suffering, but it won't wipe it out entirely. Still, better to suffer as a human than to suffer as, let's say, a boxelder bug. Definitely.

Quote #3

"The definition of bad karma is anything our friends the gods don't like." (2.172)

Once again, the gods have cornered the market on suffering. Don't do anything the gods don't like because that promotes bad karma, and bad karma promotes suffering (but not the kind of suffering the gods will reward like we mentioned above).